Audio Research Ref: CD8

I understand from speaking to Audio Research there is a CD8 now. CD8 has an upgraded power supply and DAC from the CD7. I have my CD7 at ARC for the power supply upgrade now.

Does anyone know more about the CD8?
Dave, you cannot make general statements like that. Ref 3 and CD-7/8 sound very different to each other, in terms of overall balance - and both are tube based, and both use 6H30 tube.

There is a general consensus that the Ref 3 is a much better preamp than both Ref 2 and Ref 2 mk II, although I can understand that some ppl, in some systems may actually prefer the Ref 2 over Ref 3 for its specific "flavor".
Please do not consider me pedantic, but I think that such thing as the "6h30 sound" does not exist.
I owned Audio Research REF2 mk2 , REF3 , conrad johnson ACT2 and ACT2 series 2 (all using the 6h30 exclusively in the amplifying stages) and could not find a common trait between these four preamplifiers. A friend of mine owns a BAT phono unit and it does not sound as a cj or an ARC!
Circuit topology, operating points, power supply and choice of passives have great importance in sound balance. I think that the main reason why many manufacturers are using the 6h30 is because it is reliable and lasts long - I recently measured the 6h30s of my REF3 that have 4093 and they still measure as new!
Didn't CJ dump the 6h30's in their statement preamp for around $20k...the name escapes me, sorry! i still feel the 6H30 sound is cooler and less colorful than the 6922 based gear.
Wow! Excellent comments on the now broken-in CD8. Thanks.

It doesn't surprise me at all that the break-in time is over 500 hours. My CD-7 took that long as did the Ref-3. The PH-7 didn't take as long ... but still a good 300 hours to sound it's best.

For those who are finding the ARC gear to be bright, non-musical, tonaly bare or solid state like, I would humbly suggest that you check your power cords and room treatments. Magnan power cords and Shitaki Holograms (2 pair) have transformed my system ... and I thought it was really good before these improvments. Now its great.