what speaker new or used for 5k?

Looking to upgrade my speakers right now I Have the Vienna Acoustics Mosart Grands. Equipment is the Parasound a21 amp p5 pre amp and Marantz sa8001 sacd and two REL t9 subs. Mosaic speaker cable and Interconnects, in a 16 x 20 room with 7ft drop ceilings.
What companies do in home trial for class d amps? I'm fine with trying it as long as I can return it if it doesn't meet my standards.
What kind of floor is under your speakers? Are they on an upper level? Are the floors suspended plywood? if you jump up and down does anything in the room pick up vibrations?

if so the problem may be inherent in your room/floor. Some speakers may isolate from floor interactions better than others. One cheap solution worth trying is to put teh speakers on isolation pads. I use Auralex subdudes under my OHMs on my second floor where this is a problem as it is with much modern constructed houses. A problem for Hifis and speakers but the give is good for avoiding structural damage in earthquakes, etc. Subdudes, if practical for use under speakers like yours, run about $50-$60 each on Amazon.

BTW when I use teh same OHM speakers in my basement on solid concrete foundation with thin carpet and padding, nothing else is needed. I can jump up and down all day down there and not much will vibrate. If I really turn things up, the walls and doors might just a bit, enough for the key I store above teh door frame to eventually fall to teh floor. Nothing particularly audible though. The same speakers off teh same gear are able to shine right through becasue there is little or no vibration transmitted to teh floor.

You might want to try some kind of isolating platform under teh speakers if you think you have this problem first before investing megabucks in other speakers that may solve teh problem in a similar manner out of teh box.

Just somefood for thought.
Mapman, I'm in a finished basement concrete floors with carpet. star sound audio points for spikes.
Have you optimized teh placement of your speakers, perhaps somewhat out away from walls to eliminate early reflections? That will smear teh imaging and reduce detail if not the case.

I'd suggest creating an agon virtual system and posting some system pics. that will help people see what you have and make appropriate suggestions. You can delete the virtual system later at any time once all is hunky dory if you like or leave it so all can see your triumph. :^)
Interconnects can also have a major effect in teh areas of concern. Not familiar with yours so cannot comment. I use DNM reson RCA ICs for overall clarity, detail and balance top to bottom. Not expensive and can be a real difference maker depending on what you are starting with otherwise.