what speaker new or used for 5k?

Looking to upgrade my speakers right now I Have the Vienna Acoustics Mosart Grands. Equipment is the Parasound a21 amp p5 pre amp and Marantz sa8001 sacd and two REL t9 subs. Mosaic speaker cable and Interconnects, in a 16 x 20 room with 7ft drop ceilings.
Mapman, I'm in a finished basement concrete floors with carpet. star sound audio points for spikes.
Have you optimized teh placement of your speakers, perhaps somewhat out away from walls to eliminate early reflections? That will smear teh imaging and reduce detail if not the case.

I'd suggest creating an agon virtual system and posting some system pics. that will help people see what you have and make appropriate suggestions. You can delete the virtual system later at any time once all is hunky dory if you like or leave it so all can see your triumph. :^)
Interconnects can also have a major effect in teh areas of concern. Not familiar with yours so cannot comment. I use DNM reson RCA ICs for overall clarity, detail and balance top to bottom. Not expensive and can be a real difference maker depending on what you are starting with otherwise.
...as can power conditioning to pre-amp and source gear if your house line power is not clean to start with. Most peoples could use some improvement and an insurance policy at worst.

Also look into if all components have sufficient physical isolation from each other and other nearby possible sources of noise.

Some power cords help isolate preamps and source devices espeically noisy digital ones from each other. I find Pangea ac 14 se to be an effective and inexpensive solutio for that.

The common theme here is to do what you can with the setup you have to lower noise and distortion before going on teh speaker merry go round, unless you are already certain the ones you have are not capable of delivering the goods once noise and distortion feeding them from upstream is under control.

Once those bases are covered with confidence, then one can confidently say its likely the speakers.

You ahve good ones though so I just tend to doubt they are not capable of sounding great.

Those investments upstream if needed will benefit you in any case later no matter what speakers. Keeping noise and distortion to a minimum is always the key to good sound.
Maybe listen to noise levels on a portable radio at various locations close and further away from your gear and see if anything detectable there. Older digital sources in particular and any multipurpose computer gear not designed for good sound specifically can be common nearby sources of noise and distortion. Also any power consuming household applicances with power transformers, microwaves, flourescent lights, etc.

There can be a lot of noise pollution in ones home both in teh air and on electrical lines that one never detects until it si gone and their hifi sounds so much better.