Audio Aero Prima - not responding

My audio aero prima is not responding to discs
just 4 dashed lines in the display
sounds like maybe the laser gave up the ghost

audio aero doesn't seem to answer emails
is there a reputable US repair shop I can contact

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xaudiotomb
The Audio Aero Prima has been discontinued. I would try Globe Audio or the best local tech you can find.
I have the same problem. any more help, including recommendation for a tech in the northeast would be great. FYI, I have not heard back on an email inquiry to Audio Aero made about a month ago.
Correction, actually no display at all and no response to front panel or remote, although the mini tubes inside do light up.
Just remeber that many companies were off to the CES in Vegas as early as Tuesday of last week. Many are just getting home now. That could account for the lack of replies to email and phone calls.