which bang for the buck DAC?


I would love suggestion for a DAC with performance per dollar in mind. It will be used with a Sony S350 (bluray player) as a transport and also with a computer as the other transport. This way I can downsize my standalone cd player. The DAC will feed into a Krell 400xi via XLR. This way I will have a music server and the ability to play cds as well.

I would love to stay under 1000. I am looking at the DACMagic and the PS Audio Dlink iii, and I am a bit skeptical of both. Are they good or just hype? Are there better choices? Would love to hear other suggestions. I am looking for that DAC which delivers performance per dollar. Hopefully it exist.

Thanks in advance
Hi jeanluc.

I recommend you post this question on the PC Audio section.

The 2 DACS you are looking at have had good reviews in the zines. But you should look for input from persons who have owned/used their DAC for at least a couple of months.

There are at least 10 reputable DACs in the $500 to $1000 price range.
There's a lot of buzz about the PS Audio D Link III, but I haven't heard it. I will say the Paradisea is extremely smooth and pleasant to listen to. I've owned mine for a couple of years and haven't had an urge to upgrade.
FYI, the Paradisea doesn't have XLR out, but you could use RCA to XLR cables.