old cdp that hangs with new ones

just wondering what old players that u guys have had in the past that would hold their own with newer pricier players.
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Resolution Audio CD-50. There have been several different cd players and dacs in my system which were supposed to be replacements. The only one that came close was the Arcam mentioned above. Keeping it until it dies.
Marantz CD67SE ($ 500 new) at the time coined a "giant killer" I think...

Sony XA7ES I just went back too from an Ayre C5xe...needed the funds and run it direct to a Pass X250 with Cardas adaptors from the varible outputs to the XLR on the Pass...sounds great and don't feel very bad about the swap to it at all...
Sony 608esd from 1989. It was 900.00 list and I paid 720.00. I still use it in my secondary system and it still sounds fantastic. In fact, there is one listed now for 150.00.
I have had three other Sony players that were more expensive when new that didn't sound as good. I currently use an X77es as a transport.