Ayon Audio CD-5 versus CD-5s

What are the essential differences between the CD-5 and CD-5s? Has anyone heard one of the 5s units as yet?

Does Ayon have any plans to bring out a reference player like the CD-5/5s with built-in pre-amp that does SACD (2-channel) as well as Redbook CD?

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Mel: Thanks for the feedback; I've heard the CAP-2100 and am sure you would be blown away by the differences sight unseen as that piece does not have a great pre-amp section; it always struck me as a bit flat up top, unrevealing in the mids and not enough depth and impact in the bass. By comparison, the Classe CP-700 I've had for several years is a whole other story and gives everything I was and still am looking for so it would be a great showdown. I'm also considering the Esoteric C-03 pre-amp. I've read that thread you are talking about on comparing the Esoteric and Ayon pieces. In this day and age there are many, great contenders for state of the art and yet musical playback and pre-amplification. Ah,...the pursuit/obsession never ends! I am keen to hear your feedback after the Isotek CD has run its course. I've found that CD to be a great resource...
Wig, you can't go wrong with the CD-5. It is a tremendous bargain given what you get; a full Skylla tube dac, tube pre-amp & high end transport with Austrian engineering & build quality. There are near new CD-5's up for sale for $5k at the moment.
It was brought to my attention by my local Ayon Dealer that he has been receiving enquiries about the availability of an upgrade board for the CD-5s. I apologize to the OP as I only skimmed over the original question. My comments related to the 24/96 USB board available from Ayon which I had fitted to my old CD-5 for the buyer. It was also brought to my attention that Ayon now have info regarding this upgrade posted on their website. My apology for the apparent confusion.