Concerning: AMR CD-77 / EMM Labs XDS1 / PLAYBACK Designs MPS-5 Reference.

Have any of you would listen he compares and prefer one of its 3 Digital CD Player if so what is Better musically and also which is better aesthetics and manufacturing the finest components exts drive ...
Thank you let me know if the playback designs is manufactured in the USA? if so by what company manufactured it is name and email address.
Infinitely thank you to all
I agree that you have to let your ears heart brain wallet decide not a review by another

I still think what a reviewer buys is relevant because if flipping a product is the ulterior motive not playing it, this works for any of the units in question.
Besides, I assume these reviewers are credible unless proven otherwise. Why advertise you bought a particular unit if you plan to flip it in the near future. More likely you would quietly buy and sell.

To me writing in your review you bought the ite
means overall you were very impressed!

These are all impressive products so synergy and personal taste will probably be the biggest difference.
Enzo618 and Essentialaudio: I agree that reviews are but one tool in the tool-box. I typically will find reviews by a reviewer of a product which I have heard and know to be poor sounding (to my ears) in order to get a baseline of their tastes. Also I agree that nothing proves a product better than listining to the product in your sys with other products :)
Just a correction, I am the Dagogo reviewer who reviewed the Playback Designs. I did not purchase the unit. I returned it to the manufacturer with all shipping charges paid by me. The manufacturer in question was a perfect gentleman and put absolutely no pressure on me to buy the unit or to write a favorable review. The PD is an excellent unit, particularly at its price point, but it will not suit every taste or even every system. I should also say that my editor did not pressure me to write a favorable review, only one that was balanced and honest.
For what it is worth, I am out of the country but EMM Labs has shipped an XDS1 for review. I will certainly comment after I have had the chance to break the unit in.