Wyred DACS

They released the final specs for their DACs last week. Shipping this month. Anybody order? The DAC-1 is quite reasonable, but not upgradable to the asynch-USB, which the DAC-2 has. The DAC-2 also has the I2S but I don't know what it's gonna connect to.
First it was not me that had problems with the unit - it was an aquantance. On Saturday I will be able to report on what I think once it has broken in a bit.

Second I clearly indicated the amount of break in it had - virtually none. It had a slight bit more break-in when my friend listened to it - maybe and extra 20-30 hours.

Thirdly I clearly pointed out it was different to the other DAC's we listened to. I thought its strengths of better bass, dynamics and detail (which in my experience are the strengths of delta sigmas DAC's) bought it up to the level of the 1701 DAC's we were also listening to. Two others did not think so - in their view the the 1701 DAC's were clearly better. Although they freely admitted this was the best delta sigma they had ever heard they did not like it. Basically they don't like the delta sigma signature - quite possibly because the DAC's they listen to all the time are 1701's.

Now as to why it actually went backwards the jury is still out. Mike thought it was because the unbroken in ML1 speakers we tried the DAC on has weaknesses the strengths of the delta sigma DAC compensated for. They are slightly bass shy and recessed in the treble - but they loosen up. The speakers my acquaintance who has done a lot reviews listened to them on were well broken in ML3's. On that system the bass, to him, sounded over bloated and one note. It may simply be he does not like the delta sigma signature either. However he did not think the speakers were the issue - simply units sometimes do funny things during break in.

I must also say anyone who expects a view based on personal preferences to be definitive in any way is mistaken. It should form the basis of what you should seek out and actually hear rather than making purchasing decisions. In the end it may divide listeners - those that like and those that don't. Some famous DAC's are like that eg the MSB Link of quite a few years ago did that - some loved it - some hated it:

Were those that said it was great lame? Were those that said it was hopeless lame? Of course not - they were simply expressing a personal preference. To expect anything else is pretty lame IMHO. I must also add I actually got an MSB Link many years ago and did not like the bass - it was overpowering and one note in my system. It loosened up over time but was never quite there for me. I preferred my less expensive DAC Magic 1. I may be out of luck with this DAC as well. Hopefully not since I did not find the bass bloated and one note - but as Mike said that may because the ML1's were not broken in. If so - tough luck for me. But hopefully not for you since you are alerted to the issue and can hear it first.

Bill I wasn't really trying to slap you, at least not as much as it may have sounded. I guess my gripe is folks that take a piece of gear to someone house hook it up and then make judgments on it's sound. That whole scenario frankly does not work. Why, well for numerous reasons. First off as an example I have a Plinius amp. If it gets turned off it takes damn near a week of being powered back on to sound right I don't know why it just does and the bloody thing is almost 5 years old and is as 100% completely broken in as could be. If I was to take that amp to a friends house to compare to something it would be an utter waste of time and any conclusions drawn would be worthless, unless I left it there a week hooked it up with the power cords and plc that I've found works best etc. I had a PS Audio DLIII Cullen modded before the current W4S dac if I unplugged the PS it would take a good 12-18 hours to get back to normal. I've pictures of "shoot outs" at peoples houses where stuff being listen to is sitting on the floor, or perched on books...Some guy takes his whatever piece of gear to a audiophile session hooks it up everyone sits around for 3-4 hours and draws conclusions that are based on erroneous information since the gear very well maybe performing sub optimally.

Anyway what you had posted were the sonic impressions of a unbroken in W4S on unbroken in speakers; why bother and more so of what possible value can those irrelevant impressions be to anyone considering the purchase of a W4S dac since the sound of the units will undoubtedly change significantly over the course of 200+ hours. I'm not trying to be a dick, it just torques me up when I read things that don't seem to be of any real help, because until that unit has broken in yours or anyones opinions of it's sound quality are basically worthless. Sorry.
I guess i found it weird that you posted the "trusted acquaintance" follow up a day later as if it was new information, when both of the posts are copy and pasted from days earlier on audiocircle. Especially when the follow up is oddly worded like a warning for everyone to wait until you've sorted it out.

I'm sure you're just trying to share useful information, but the vague ominous follow up doesn't really qualify as useful (maybe it did fit in the context of the audiocircle thread). Not trying to steer the conversation away from the DAC, but I just found the post confusing, too.
Something definitely doesn't appear to be Kosher here, maybe a hidden agenda?
I am at about 30 hours of burn-in now, and the DAC 2 has far far exceeded my expectations. One of the acid tests for a DAC is solo piano, and listening to a good recording I heard the decay and reverb of the recording site and each note crystal clear. This is a keeper.