Wyred DACS

They released the final specs for their DACs last week. Shipping this month. Anybody order? The DAC-1 is quite reasonable, but not upgradable to the asynch-USB, which the DAC-2 has. The DAC-2 also has the I2S but I don't know what it's gonna connect to.
I guess i found it weird that you posted the "trusted acquaintance" follow up a day later as if it was new information, when both of the posts are copy and pasted from days earlier on audiocircle. Especially when the follow up is oddly worded like a warning for everyone to wait until you've sorted it out.

I'm sure you're just trying to share useful information, but the vague ominous follow up doesn't really qualify as useful (maybe it did fit in the context of the audiocircle thread). Not trying to steer the conversation away from the DAC, but I just found the post confusing, too.
Something definitely doesn't appear to be Kosher here, maybe a hidden agenda?
I am at about 30 hours of burn-in now, and the DAC 2 has far far exceeded my expectations. One of the acid tests for a DAC is solo piano, and listening to a good recording I heard the decay and reverb of the recording site and each note crystal clear. This is a keeper.
Hi Guys

No hidden agenda.

Yes I have posted this on a number of forums before posting here. Thats because I only just discovered this thread and thought guys that frequent here would like to know what I found out.

As to their value I think provided I make it clear what is going on people can make up their own mind. I believe it is of value knowing some people had problems during break-in. I believe it is of value some people didn't like the DAC and they are people that prefer DAC's like the PCM 1704 (sorry guys I accidentally called it a 1701 instead of a 1704 in my last post). I believe there is value in others pointing out the limitations of my comments. This is all part of getting the information out there for those interested in this DAC. After all this what forums like this are all about. I still have what happened with the Link DAC in my mind - basically about $1000.00 wasted - well not wasted really - I learnt a valuable lesson.

And yes in hindsight I guess I was a bit thin skinned about the lame comment. I dont get anything for posting - I have no hidden agenda - only the desire to help others and participate in some enjoyable debate about a hobby that since I retired is now taking up more of my time. Calling this 'lame' touched a bit of a raw nerve.

Can we proceed with me posting my observations and others pointing out issues and making their own observations? I will attempt to be as constructive as possible and hopefully others will do the same.
