Wyred DACS

They released the final specs for their DACs last week. Shipping this month. Anybody order? The DAC-1 is quite reasonable, but not upgradable to the asynch-USB, which the DAC-2 has. The DAC-2 also has the I2S but I don't know what it's gonna connect to.
"The Havana sounds bloated in comparison."

What do you mean by that exactly? Could you expand on this a little?

Thank you.
Faces last statement is virtually meaningless, a rather terse "analysis" with absolutely no context.
Pretty much a waste of the minimal effort it took to post it.
I heard them both in the same rig. The low end on the Havana sounded loose/sloppy in comparison.

Rja, have you compared the two?
That's interesting because thats similar to what the experienced reviewer acquaintance of mine said about the WFS - the bass was bloated and one note. Personally I am not expecting that much of the Havana in comparison - after all at least here in Aus it half the price. Occasionally you find giant killers that surprise but that is not the norm. But you never know. Of course I will be giving my impressions and hopefully the owner of the Havana can chime in as well.
