Tweaks for EMM CDSA SE ... ?

Has anyone found tweaks that really improve their EMM CDSA SE? I am experimenting now -- trying to improve its performance.
Flashunlock, I don't need to use all 10 sockets on the PowerCell, only 3 or 4. It will only be used for my music system. I have 4 sets of MiGs on order. I also use Totem beaks on top of my EMM -- they did nothing for my Merlin speakers -- and Harmonix Synergy Points on top of my Marantz PM-15. They are meant to be used as footers -- did nothing for my EMM -- so I tried them on top of my PM-15 and the sonic results are not subtle. A lot of the tweaking I have done is trial and error -- as well as switching around my power cords.
Flashunlock, thanks for clarifying about the SR cables. Since it it is impossible for me to have all-active cables in my system because of my step-down transformer, and Merlin does not recommend silver cables for their speakers, I chose to go with mostly Gabriel Gold cables -- no buyer's regret.

The fuse is located directly under the power cord between the switch. Use a screw driver to pull it out and there is only one fuse even though the holder can accommidate 2.

Flashunlock, between the switch and the power cord? It looks like a small label. Do you pry that off and the fuse is behind it?
Flashunlock, VH Audio sells Furutech fuses. They don't say the color. They have a lot of models. Is it one of these two? One is the .75" HiFi Tuning Fuse Slow 2A and the other is the 1.25" HiFi Tuning Fuse Slow 2A? Thanks very much, in advance, for all your good advice.