Used players better than $1.2K 13 yr old player?


I have a G&D Transforms CD player I bought in '98 for $1,200. It's prototype that never went into production, so probably no one here has heard it or of it. (You may have heard of G&D Transform transports. They were mentioned in show reports at the time). I am hoping some people will have an opinion on how much more one gets for one's bucks from players, say 3-5 yrs old. I am wondering/hoping, one can get significantly better sound from a player (just a CD player) for under $500.


Nope, their are two of us. I found the oppo the same sounding as you described. Maybe a poor match in my system , I really don't know for sure but it dissapointed me but I know a few who love em.

Nope, there are 3 of us!!
Regarding supposed oppo break-in: sorry but 500 to 700 hours is too long a time for such limited time we have. Ridiculous. Pass!
I doubt if you'll find one of these used for $500 or less, but, if you can, I'd highly recommend the modified Denons - modified by companies such as APL, Exemplar, Modwright, etc. I owned both G&D transports and the player. The modified Denons (and now the modified Oppos) are far superior. Good luck...