Berkeley Alpha Dac Series II, anyone heard it?

I am interested to know how it might sonically improve on the original dac. Any opinions will be appreciated.
That is usually the case with raving reviews glorifying big differencies, but it's good to know that the new version is better and that it's clear from the first listen. I wonder with so many capabilities, if it performs equally good with a regular cd transport...
Hi Richard_stacy, you say "I perceive the differences to be more subtle than his rave report suggests" but you then say "It's absolutely better and it is audible at first listen". I am confused between more subtle and absolutely better. Kindly explain. Thank you.
Sabai... admittedly, I'm not much for audiophile verbal expression so my apologies if it comes off as confusing. I guess I was just trying to say that I was able to notice improvements as soon as I began to listen to the series 2 but as a whole, I don't think they are crazy dramatic...just better. These things are so very subjective, it's hard to illustrate on a forum. I love the new dac and I am glad that I made the change, that's about the best endorsement I can give. On the other hand, I still feel as if the series 1 is among the best out there and gets you most of the way there. How to measure the difference between is pretty hard to do.
Richard_stacy, thanks for clarifying this. Your explanation gives me a much clearer picture of your observations.