PS Audio DAC iii and Marantz SA 8100 CD Player

My basic question is this: should I route the SA 8001 through the DAC or are the converters within the Marantz good enough to stand on their own? This would only be for playing CDs, I think, since SACDs, as I understand it, can only play through analog .
Oh ya, sacd on that player is superb near sota in sound quality at an affordable price. I had most marantz players over the years starting with the 8260 then sa8001, sa15, sa11,sa8003, and now just got sa8004 which is an incredible piece. I can now play my sacds and stream my squeezebox through the internal marantz Dac to get that awesome marantz analog sound. I love marantz players. Imho, the best value going today
Dpac996: Hi again: I bought the PS Audio from you! Do you know if the SA 8001 is cable of streaming a Squeezebox? How does the hookup work? Squeeze to Marantz via dig/optical input?