Best tube dac available?

I am looking for suggestions for the best tube dac available. I have heard good things about Audio Note, Zanden,and Ypsilon. I only plan on using it for red book cd's.
Without any reservation the Ayon Skylla -2 dac uses 8 vacuum tubes
For one it has a world class single ended triode pure class A preamplifier
Then the digital converter that is as Close to the best analog sounding
Dac I have ever heard and or under $9 k even at $15 k this
Combination wouldbe a excellent buy versus even separates in
Many ways this is better ,less cables and more direct with
Parts quality some of the best in the world.
I'm about to purchase Magnepan 1.7's, will power them in my law office with a World Audio Design K5881 Class A tube amp (because my office is not large and loud volume would be a problem) ... I am shopping for the 'BEST SOUND PER DOLLAR' Tube DAC, to use my iPhone, as well as the 'BEST SOUND PER DOLLAR' Tube Preamp ... further, I have a Dbx III, and would like advice as to whether the Dbx is a reasonable additional means to expand dynamic range of iTunes from an iPhone ... Thank you, all.
I dunno if I would go with so many tube components in one system :)

Try to listen to them in combination and see if you like them
not all tube dacs have the same "flavor" and when considering bang for the buck, much subjective judgment goes into suc an assessment.

as i have said before, wavelength and the original zanden are my favorite dacs. unfortunately, both are expensive.

since all tube dacs have different degrees of "tubeyness", it is wise to be more specific as to your sonic requirements.