Best CD player under $5K?

Replacing Classe CDP-1 and CDT-1 in fully balanced config. Suggestions welcome. Thanks.
The Cary CD500 is a great player and especially good at it's price point.

You could also consider something like the Bel Canto Dac3.5 MKII and the Bel Canto CD3t transport. Would put you just a tad over the $5k mark, but makes a killer setup (and very flexible with all the digital inputs)

***Cary and Bel Canto dealer disclaimer***
I dunno for sure, but it's at least possible that the Ric Schultz-modified Oppo 95 is the best player on the planet right now.
Best cdp under 5K?

A Logitech Squeezebox and excellent DAC of your choosing.
