Oppo 95: Burn-in...and Fan


I just received my Oppo 95. I have a question and an observation:

How long have people found it takes before the unit is burned-in and sounding at least close to its best?

I definitely hear the fan...up to about 12 feet or so. I do have a very quiet listening environment most of the time. I'm worried, though, because I sit about 2 feet from my player! (and have to) Has anyone come up with any solutions to the fan noise? (other than putting the player a long way from the listening position, that is)

Thanks very much!

p.s. I know some say they don't hear the fan when music is playing. I understand, but it's clearly affecting the noise floor. And enjoying very subtle details, ambience, decay, etc. are very important to me.
The 95 has lots of fans. When I first saw the picture at the dealer I realised why. Could only barely hear the fan from very close. Should be fine in most environments from that pespective. Great machine. It wont compete with upper end dedicated CD players but i guess it can probably challenge a few lower down.
It sure will compete with the upper end, in fact it is the upper end!dedicated or not.
Awesome Jdub39 - extremely helpful...just what I was looking for! I just got the Oppo 95 today (replacing an Oppo 970 which has been one of the absolute best values I've encountered) - was hoping to give my analog some competition (it's not an easy life being the digital front end in my system - just look at my user name)...'listenable but restrictive' describes exactly what I'm hearing now (but I am aware of the importance of 'burn-in').

I think I've set it up for maximum 2-channel audio only performance (basically what it says in the manual) - do you guys have any 'not so obvious setup setting' recommendations here that you've A/B:ed (listening comaparisons)?

While I'm at it I just have to recommend experimenting with some small myrtle wood block supports under the components (I use 3 under each - one middle front and one in each 'back corner') - it always surprises me that it makes such a noticable difference...it's cheap and you might like it too.
I tried the pure audio "trick" at the start of my listening session today and within 30 min the fan kicked in. I am fortunate that I am far enough away from the unit it does not affect the music. As info there is about 1.5" clearance above the unit and it rests on blocks made of cork & rubber - maybe another 3/4" clearance underneath it...