Oppo 103 digital processing

Can someone explain the two HDMI input features on the new oppo 103? From reviews and comments it sounds as though ANY sound source, such as a cable HD broadcast could be processed by oppo features for a better experience........or am I way off base.
"No need for a SSP anymore. "

It would need to have room correction and bass management, as well. In which case, it would be an SSP with an additional built in transport.

I guess another question is: why doesn't Oppo build SSPs?
Doggiehowser, I see those, thought the OP was talking about the the two HDMI out on the back panel my mistake.
It's a minor inconveance but you can't set the rear HDMI input as the default... So for now I'm the only one who mows how to work the TV. But it's a great unit!