Record-playing Rituals?

I'm curious what everybody's riuals are when listening to albums. How often do you clean the records? Every Time? How often do you clean and lubricate the stylus? Every time?

Sean, I just cannot give you a definite answer. I've tried a lot, incl. homebrew and I am more than confused. They all do something to the sound, but according to my ears, the results are anything but uniform. Some lps seem to improve, some not, even seem to get get worse. I like the RRL with classical music, but sometimes only after a retreatment with my concotion of trifluor-trichlorethane and molybden-liquid,(ex sctratch fixer) but then again, sometimes it seems to screw up the soundstage. I don't know NG, never tried Disc Doctor, but VPI is waiting on the shelve and next on my list. Sorry to be of no help.
Never came across this thread before, but now that I have, I am sure as I never have been that I am NOT truly an audiophile. Free at last, free at last, thanks to all of you, I'm free at last!

(FLASH! Just as I finished typing the above, my girlfriend walked in the room and asked, "Don't all of you little audio-nerds get worried about each other sometimes?" I love her, I do...)
Zaike, old mate, not a chance. You've been hooked long ago and you know it....
Postscriptum: Does your lady perchance have an elder sister?
How can you say such things about me Detlof, when I commonly play my records, after their initial cleaning (if - and this is truly shocking - if I even feel compelled to give them one!), forevermore without once again ever subjecting them to any wet treatment?
Scripted-postum: Perchance yea, forsooth taken.
To wit, dear Zaike, 'tis not the unctions which do tell on you, 'tis cartridge-tonearm settings which forsooth betrayeth you as hooked through and through....