Clearaudio Master Reference vs. Basis Debut V ??

Need purchase advice on which of these two to go with. Am intrigued, yet concerned with the tangential arms on the Clearaudio- the TQ-1 2000 arm is $3k ; the Master TQ-1 arm is newer, bigger and stupid expensive @ $6k. Is this new arm magic or nonsense ? Would use Graham 2.2 on Basis, which would, btw, be the vacuum model. The Graham arm seems to be almost universally praised, while getting a consensus opinion on the Souther tangential arms is far more difficult. Any 1st hand advice would be greatly appreciated.
CFB- Too bad both tts weren't setup with the same cartridge. The comparison would have be even more enlightening and compelling.
Out of curiousity, how easy was it to readjust the VTA for different LPs with the TQ arm? I've found that I need to fine tune for nearly every LP and the Graham is a dream for this adjustment as it is extremely accurate and repeatable and doesn't change any other arm/cartridge setting. Don't get me wrong, I too have a bias for linear tracking arms. However, the couple that I've had always performed better in theory than in everyday use.
Thanks for sharing your experience with the CMR. I guess I'll always wonder if ....
kelly, i had been talking to John Barnes all last fall about the CMR but he couldn't really say how it compared to the Debut V. i really appreciate finally hearing how the comparison came out.

in the meantime, i have found a Rockport System II Sirius used that i am getting instead of the CMR. I really wanted the vaccuum and linear tracking and had been torn between the CRM and Debut V.
I own a Basis Debut V with vacuum and I agree with that what Jazzhelp did write.
I was looking for years for my final turntable and I checked the Clearaudio, too.
I decided to go for the Basis.The vacuum is great. And everything works perfect, on and on and on.
Never a problem.
The Clearaudio is an old design, the arm, too which was tuned up from Suchy. When it works, it's fine, but I said when ...
The Clearaudio cartridges, specially the Insiders, have a HUGE sale price and a low dealer price.
Every dealer praises them because when selling only one of these, he really makes a lot of profit. And they are NOT reliable, sooner or later one channel stop working, bad design, bended wire which breakes when the needle gets a bit too much pressure.
That was one point which really disturbed, me, too. With this arm there is sooner or later always something happening. Well, I didn't care, I ordered a Graham Arm for my Basis, I use the combo very often and it is like a Mercedes: it's always working perfect.
For me, I did the right decision. I would go this way again, 2 years later.
thomasheisig: unless you've heard, and seen, the latest version of the CMR and tq arm, your statements as to their reliability and utility are dated and no longer valid. and, i've no idea where you get your information on the insider. the markup is the same as it is for most cartridges; moreover, your assertions as to its reliability seem to come from far left field. i'm glad you like your basis and graham. they're great products. BTW, if your graham is 2 years old, its not current either. -cfb
My friend,
believe me, from German Products I know some things you do not know. The Graham Arm works the way it has to and a simple bearing cup for $ 350,-- doesn't give me sleepless nights. And when Mr. Graham would be able to deliver a bit faster, then I would have the latest mod, but it doesn't bother me. What's the reason for your " advice " ?
And btw. I think you make your money while working as a sales person in a high end shop. I can only speak or write for me, but I am always very sceptical, when such guys write their " opinions " in a forum, specially about products were the profit is big.