Getting a Koetsu Onyx cartridge rebuilt - help

I have a vintage Koetsu Onyx that I'd like to have rebuilt. I don't want to use Van de Hul or Benz Micro because I don't want a hybrid back. Seem to recall reading somewhere that Koetsu has a service in London, or at least an arrangement with someone there who can do this type of work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I know about the "high end broker" and "A 10 audio" they both sell colibris new or second hand a bit of googling .
What the plastic concerns i dont know about all the colours it should not make any sound difference i would think and no i am no vd hul expert what i do know is that he lives in the dutch countryside and that he is very much devoted to audio so youre not buying a hyped marketing product but something beautifull made by hand , i would not take the high output ones personally but the low ones (lower moving mass. )
I agree. Looking for a LO - .22mv output or close to that. It is too late for me to get the clear body, and all the XGM & XGP Colibri's currrently lised on AG are HO - .45 & .65.

I will try to Google the leads you sent me.

Thank you.
Found them both. HighEnd Broker has a LO XGP Reference Colibri. I have never heard of a "Reference" model in the Colibri line. I plan to contact both dealers this weekend.

Thank you for the leads.
Youre welcome

He also sells (or sold ) a XPP with platinum coils which is even more expensive as XGP (gold coils).
I would like to hear what you think of them if you by one .

Well, after all that, I have just sent a used Koetsu Vermillion and a used VDH Colibri XGM to Expert Stylus in Surrey, England for the following:

The Koetsu Vermillion: Complete suspensions rebuild, sapphire cantilever, Paratrace stylus.

The VDH Colibri: Reducing the output from .45mv to .22-.23mv, suspension tweak, sapphire cantilever, Paratrace stylus.