Personal turntable/cartridge evolution

I just ran across the two year old personal speaker evolution and personal amp evolution threads. I am amazed that so far nobody has ever posted the question with respect to turntables/cartridge combinations.

Same deal as the other threads. I will start with my short odyssey through the worl of turntables:

1993 Linn Basik/Akito/K9
1998 Rega Planar 3/RB300/Elys
2000 Rega Planar 3/RB300/Denon DL103
2004 Michell Tecnodec/RB600/Ortofon Kontrapunkt A and Denon DL103R


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1. BIC 960

2. Garrard GT-55 (with articulated tonearm!)

3. Thorens TD146

4. Linn LP12/Basik Plus

5. upgrade to Ittok LVII

6. regression to Basik LVX (sold Ittok to help buy Ekos, but got laid off work the next day; got good deal on used LVX)

7. upgraded to LP12 Cirkus/Ittok LVIII
(though I bought this package with the basik power supply and intended to later add the Lingo, the Cirkus upgrade alone proved so satisfying that I just haven't felt the need; no further changes since 1993)


With the exception of a brief flirtation with a Linn Asaka, I've stuck with reasonably-priced moving magnet or moving iron models (various AT's, Shures, Pickerings, Stantons, ADC's, Goldrings, Grados, all the K series Linns, etc.). My ears have tended to prefer the balance of strengths offered by the Pickering/Stanton fold, but Grado also has some very appealing qualities.

My experience has been that Linn's hierarchy of 'table, arm, then cartridge is correct, and that satisfying sound can be had even from quite inexpensive cartridges when mounted on a quality 'table and arm. I'm satisfied with what I've got, but should the upgrade bug hit, I think I would get a better return on my investment by moving to a Lingo power supply than throwing money into expensive annual re-tipping fees.
late 70,s rega 2 with grace707 and 30 doller grado no idea of musical appreciation at all, so slowly through the grado line up to tlz. a happy if innocent period in my hi fi development.
one of the very first oracle turntables delphi style with uni pivot hadcock and supex 900 rare periods of sublime bliss and much angst and tuning lessons and parts swapping and the start of the red wine appreciation stage of my hi fi development.
in a rare lucid moment traded back to rega3 system with a koetsu black,listened to lots of music but deep down missed the best moments of the canadian beast from hell.
enter the linn phase,lp12 basic with alphason hrs 100mcs starting with the black.bouncy bounce thru every linn mod authorised or not and cumulating in full blown lp12 lingo ekos arkivb ten years later,not a terrible era with fantastic highs and lots of ho hum better start tweaking moments ivor was everything from genius to huckster depending on the mood or the wine[inter related often at this time]
in a moments inspiration caused by intense depression and a strong desire for stability bought a nottingham dias with 12"anna had the ancient black rebuilt by the cartridge man on a rix rax wall stand, by far the best sound ever in my house and not a drift of any kind in the last year,listening to lots of music no desire to tweak thinking about benzlp12 but no turntable mods, tom did send some new oil, it was an improvement but no mod feeding frenzy followed, life is bliss,on the turntable front anyway.
That already pretty good turntable history so far. I certainly enjoyed the thread so far. Compared to most of you I really am a newbee to analog.

I guess I could add my dad's Dual automatic turntable to the list: I still remember listening to the Freischuetz opera bei Weber on that table. I guess that must have been somewhen around 1980 (at age 6).That Dual is still lying around and hasn't been used for I don't know how many years.

Curious what the future has for me as next turntable: Maybe something that starts with a T...
Kenner "close-n-play"
Garrard changer/Shure cart.
Thorens TD-125/Audio-Technica cart.
Harmon Kardon TD45/Denon DL300 cart.
ProJect 6.1/Sumiko Blue Point
VPI Aries Scout/JMW9/Dynavector 20X
VPI Aries Scoutmaster/JMW9/Dynavector 17D2/Walker Precision Motor Controller
BIC 980 (model #?)/Shure V15-type III
new AR table/arm
Mapenoll table/arm (living hell)
Well tempered record player/Genesis 2000
VPI HW-19 IV/Graham 1.5t/Lyra Lydian, then Lyra Helikon
Basis Debut V (vacuum clamp)/Vector arm/Lyra Titan