Personal turntable/cartridge evolution

I just ran across the two year old personal speaker evolution and personal amp evolution threads. I am amazed that so far nobody has ever posted the question with respect to turntables/cartridge combinations.

Same deal as the other threads. I will start with my short odyssey through the worl of turntables:

1993 Linn Basik/Akito/K9
1998 Rega Planar 3/RB300/Elys
2000 Rega Planar 3/RB300/Denon DL103
2004 Michell Tecnodec/RB600/Ortofon Kontrapunkt A and Denon DL103R


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That already pretty good turntable history so far. I certainly enjoyed the thread so far. Compared to most of you I really am a newbee to analog.

I guess I could add my dad's Dual automatic turntable to the list: I still remember listening to the Freischuetz opera bei Weber on that table. I guess that must have been somewhen around 1980 (at age 6).That Dual is still lying around and hasn't been used for I don't know how many years.

Curious what the future has for me as next turntable: Maybe something that starts with a T...
Kenner "close-n-play"
Garrard changer/Shure cart.
Thorens TD-125/Audio-Technica cart.
Harmon Kardon TD45/Denon DL300 cart.
ProJect 6.1/Sumiko Blue Point
VPI Aries Scout/JMW9/Dynavector 20X
VPI Aries Scoutmaster/JMW9/Dynavector 17D2/Walker Precision Motor Controller
BIC 980 (model #?)/Shure V15-type III
new AR table/arm
Mapenoll table/arm (living hell)
Well tempered record player/Genesis 2000
VPI HW-19 IV/Graham 1.5t/Lyra Lydian, then Lyra Helikon
Basis Debut V (vacuum clamp)/Vector arm/Lyra Titan
It hasn’t been so much an ‘evolution’ for me. I just buy whatever strikes me at the time, and sometimes that means taking a step backwards. Wish I put the money into mutual funds instead (or at least an LP12), but here goes…

1970s…Fisher Price close ‘n’ play, Emerson all-in-one changer/AM/FM radio
1980s…BSR changer with ceramic cart, Dual CS-505 with Empire cart
1990s…Denon DP-47F (people said direct drive sucks, so I sold it for nothing a few years later), Linn Axis/Basik
2000s…Luxman PD284, Thorens TD115, Music Hall MMF-2.1, Rega P2 and too many cartridges to mention (Rega Elys, AT OC7 and 440ML, Denon DL-160, Benz Micro MC20E2, Shure V15 Type RS and M97xE, Ortofon OM10 and X1-MC, many Grados, the list goes on)
2004…Just ordered a Technics SL-1200Mk2 because I finally figured out that direct drive doesn’t suck if done right. HOPEFULLY this 30-lb. beast will serve as atonement for selling my Denon, and also last me for many years.

Great thread!
Dual 1019, 1219
Pioneer PL50
Sony psx55
Thorens TD160 Super/Grace 707 Mk II (chrome) (ex got it)
Rega Planar 2, early model with Lustre arm
Harmon Kardon T60
Systemdek IIx
Audio Note TT1/ARM2/Dynavector DV20XH

Wish List: Teres 150 (or better) or a Scheu Premier II with Morch DP6 or SME 309 or something along those lines.
Like the aesthetics of the Scheu better than the Teres. Like the Teres due to the great owner support and Chris Brady is always there for his customers. Never heard of an unhappy Teres or Scheu owner. The Teres is a better value if it must be resold, too, I think.