Entire system cable recommendation

I wondering if anyone can share what cables they've had success pairing with components below. I'm looking to spend from $5k-7k, new or used. Any recommendations are appreciated.

Thanks for the help,

- Audio Research DAC8
- Musical Fidelity M6500i
- Monitor Audio PL300 speakers
Hidiamond cables can give a very pleasant warm overwhole sound. But the weakest point of many of there cables is speed and timing. They are not the best cables in speed and controle.
Bo1972 ,have you try ansuz cable ,diamond or ceramic line. I have all top of the line Hi diamond cables and hi fidelity ct1e ic and sc, both were very satisfying but yesterday I received ansuz cables from Lar which I've never heard of and is not top of the line, to my surprise it better both cables that I have by a big margin, l like to hear your opinion if you have heard them compare to purist and AQ as I want to make sure I've make a right move.
08-20-13: Bo1972
Hidiamond cables can give a very pleasant warm overwhole sound. But the weakest point of many of there cables is speed and timing. They are not the best cables in speed and controle.
Bo1972 (Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
HiDiamond sounds the OPPOSITE in my system. Neutral, fast, detail and great PRAT.

Bo1972, what cables do you use?
I have to admit that in 2009 I have done the last tests with Hidiamond. These days I work a lot with Audioquest, Kimber and Purist Audio Design.

Did you say that sold a lot of PL300 speakers.
What kind of amplifier do you recomend for it?
Could you list some models?
