Entire system cable recommendation

I wondering if anyone can share what cables they've had success pairing with components below. I'm looking to spend from $5k-7k, new or used. Any recommendations are appreciated.

Thanks for the help,

- Audio Research DAC8
- Musical Fidelity M6500i
- Monitor Audio PL300 speakers
Hi Bol972,

I just bought AQ Rocket 33 biwire cables and think they are
great with my new B&W's. I put off buying AQ for a long time
but can't believe how good they are for the price.
If I like the Rocket 33's so much, what would be the next
logical AQ upgrade for $500-$1000 do you think??

What about the Gibraltar with the 72V DBS??

Sorry don't mean to hijack the thread.
08-25-13: Audiolabyrinth
Hi, Taralabs has a wonderful full loom sound, many used cables are available on the used market for your price point you mentioned, Happy hunting!
Audiolabyrinth (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
What took you so long? Now we FINALLY got our Taralabs recommendation, time to close the thread. LOL!!!

Now if a Vandersteen and JBL 1400 managed to get in the thread, we got BINGO!!!
For me it was the same. I did not had Audioquest for a long time on my radar. They have made a good step to a higher level. The Gibraltar with 72V DBS will be a great improvement. I love 72v DBS, and it make a big difference. I do not work for Audioquest, because I am still a perfectionist. In my world there powercables are not good enough. As you know I like Taralabs as well and sold it a lot for over 3 years of time.
i have baught a couple of month ago from bmi 2 pcords hammerhead gold wich i am using for my cd,it is a spectacular pc for either cdp or pream or tuner,it's not fully brocken but it is giving lot of very good surprise wherelse the bmi oceanic honestly using it to feed the amp is so far one of the best pc if not the best*the most natural ever heard before and anywhere i could*must be heard...and even campered to the very very very best pcords.please do yourself a favour...have a try for the sick and respect to the music.the pcords are not fully brocken so the best is on its way yet to come..wondering if i don't get 2 others pcords hammerhead for my pream and my tuner magnumd t106. These pcords are exceptionels.they have rised my system sound to another level when others pcord could not,words can not discribe the changes.thx for the opportunity.thx to bmi manufacturerand* may god save the music.*