What is the lowest LOMC you guys know of???

What cartridge do you guys know of, that has the lowest mv output. Just curious???
Dear justubes: Your phonopreamp has 79db gain through internal step-up transformers, it is not enough for a 0.015mv

I own the Ortofon MC 2000 that has 0.05mv.

Regards and enjoy the music.

If the gain on the phono stage is not enough, which one is giving us the wrong information?? The 79 db gain or the 0.015mv output??

I'm currently listening to it right now at about 90db. My preamp is at 9 oclock--6 0clock being zero.
Dear Justubes: The 0.015mv. Your 90db, 9 oclock confirm it.

I think the right number could be: 0.15mv, but who really knows.

Regards and enjoy the music.

A fellow from Vinyl Asylum did some calculations for me and the correct output is 0.075mv. It is still a very LOMC. I'm happy that thngs got staigthen up, I always thought it was 0.015mv.

Does that make sense?? 90 db at 9 oclock. I did more research and come up with 0.067mv output. Well, she sounds beautiful and that's what matters.


Ahhh...so we actually had the same cartridge in mind :)

I own an original SL-15E (aka S-15E), which according to Ortofon's own spec sheet (which I've uploaded here:- http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c147/ze_ant/orts15scan.jpg) has an output of 0.04 mV, which I guess takes the prize here...

I actually have the had the same cartridge