Which cartridge is the Imaging/soundstaging champ

Hello all:
I'm a new participant in these forums, though I've read virtually every post for the last 18 months. I'm a new owner of a Scoutmaster/JMW 9.
I got a Grado Statement Sonata as a starter cartridge(also using the VPI 3 gm headshell weight), and feel like I've gotten it set up pretty wel(VTA/VTF/SRA seem as good as I can get them). I have a nice high resolution system but can't seem to create an outrageously terriffic soundstage with pinpoint imaging like my digital front end can. I really can only listen to SOTA digital recordings at this point as my analog front end is just so superior overall. I do miss the excellent imaging and stage specificity though. I'm using the Cardas Neutral Reference phono cable into my EAR 864 preamp (with wonderful Mullard NOS tubes).
I feel the Grado is the culprit. What do you think? Which cartridge in the $750-$1500 range would be the imaging champ?
Thanks for your help.
you should try glueing a bar on the front off the cart like the grado longhorn. i've tried this on two cheap carts and was amazed by the improvement. more detail and much better soundstage! I use a three inch tube from a tv antenna and fill it with window sealer(doesn't dry up like plumbers putty). couldn't hurt to try and could save you a lot of money.
Shelter 501II, Zyx Airy2, and Sumiko Celebration should all be on your list. The Shelter is a good sounding match with your arm/table. I've heard the combo many times, and it clearly outperformed a Dynavector Karat 17D2 on the same table. Cheers,
It was my understanding that the Shelter 501 II was a low compliance cart. and would not match the JMW 9 well. Obviously, your experience was different.
Does anyone else have experience with this combo?
I have the ZYX Airy3S-SB medium output (0.48mv) on my Scoutmaster JMW9 Signature (center clamp, ring weight, SDS) via the latest VPI phono cables into a Joule Electra OPS2 and I'd have to agree with everything CMO said above. The combo is extraordinarily musical, with excellent image height and width, especially compared to the best in CD. I have both a Modwright/Sony 999ES Platinum and a Wadia 861 and, while they are both very good, it's really no contest on the imaging front. I certainly don't want for anything more on my analog rig when comparing to my CDPs. The Wadia is at GNSC right now so we'll see when it comes back, but it has a lot of ground to make up IMHO.
IME an unstabilized unipivot will always put some limits on imaging and soundstaging compared with a more stable arm design. Channel balance and separation are too easily compromised when stylus azimuth isn't held steady.

That said, a Grado would be my last choice if soundstaging was a priority. That's just not what they're about. The stylus on many Grado models is so huge it's hard to believe it even fits in the groove, never mind tracing delicate HF information.

As others have said, ZYX's are among the champs in this regard, without ever sounding analytical, unmusical or "hifi". IME any ZYX from the Airy 2 up easily out-images and out-soundstages a Koetsu RSP or Shelter 901 for example.

I'd expect good imaging/soundstaging from any cartridge with a modern stylus profile, like the Lyra Helikon mentioned above, Dynavectors, VdH's, ZYX's and others. HF information is crucial for reproducing soundstage, space and "air", and no cartridge can reproduce frequencies too small for its stylus to see.