Baby Koetsus? ie, Poor Mans Koetsu

Does anyone have experience with any reasonably priced cartridges that have a Koetsu like sound? (typically 'Koetsu' midrange)? something that would be like a Koetsu Black on a budget. lets say for the sake of argument... 250 bucks and under?
Grado platinum will give you a taste of Koetsu like mids but it ain't no Koetsu.

Like a Camero will go fast but it ain't no Ferarri.

Sorry, whats you pay is usually whats you gets.
Gee, you don't want much...Koetsu sound for $250??
I've not heard the Koetsu Black, but for $250 the Denon 103R maybe your best bet. I read here (or at VA) that someone actually prefered it to the Black.....but who knows what the circumstances were?.
Anyway, I can vouch that the 103R is a superbly musical, coherent and dynamic performer. For sheer enjoyment and involvement in the music, the 103R rates off the scale. It does ok in more objective 'audiophile' terms too - at least when not directly compared to much more expensive cartridges. Superb tracker too. I've enjoyed mine imensely for the last 5-6 months.
From all I've read, the Koetsu Black is not made "in house" anyway. If I can remember who makes it for them, I'll post it.
The Shelter 501 and the Denon 103 and 103R, depending on your price point and arm would be the logical choices.
Definitely the Denon DL103R, same type of sound, but without the big price tag.