Airtangent vs Kuzma airline

Just bought the JC Verdier platine and want to get a tangent tracking arm.
I have received info and I am leaning towards the Kuzma or the swedish Airtangent .
The EM-2, Airtech MG-1 and the Condustor by the cartdridge man are also in the running but their build quality aren't in the same league from what I can tell in the pictures. How good are they I really don't know.
Opinions, or any comments wound be greatly appreciated.

Hi Frank, I fear I might have put words in Thomas' mouth, but i wish I'd been to Frankfurt to hear the 4 arms. I gather there was another interesting turntable demo with blind people doing the listening honors.

Dgad, I had the Tron Seven in for a couple of weeks and its an excellent phonostage. I could hear no problems to do with step ups, far from it. In my set up with several cartridges it had a very full bodied, big sound and seductive. Not quite the detail of the TEAD Groove Plus, but fuller and very involving. Another one to look out for is the new Viva, with seperate 300b valve power supply. I heard that recently and was v. impressed.

I read you review of the Tron Seven. It was very appealing. I owned a Groove that I thought was excellent except for the inability to adjust it for different cartridges. I am also curious about the new VTL phono stage. It will be without a SUT.

I just got an email from Thomas about his latest "great" cartridge combination. It is one of many so realize there are many great combinations. I don't want to quote him directly without his permission but he mentioned that sound is a personal thing & that what he often likes or dislikes might be different from others. He also mentioned that it is system dependant. Thomas does not like sound where bass is sacrificed in the least for midrange or treble. He also refrences "live sound" as his goal.

PS, one of his phono stages aside from the Tron Seven is the Pass Xono.
Received the 73 lbs box for the Kuzma Airline. Nice packaging, the fit and finish is really first rate. I will be using a cheapy cartridge until my new cartridge shows up. I do not want to wreck the new Dynavector XV-1s.
Does some one know who to contact for the Allerts? I have E-mailed almost a week ago but no response.
At present I am using a ASR basic phono stage. This is on loan to me by my ASR dealer, Thx Ken. Right now I am in the market for a better phono stage. Looking like crazy, reading everything that I can get my hands/eyes on.
So far the Pass, ASR , Lab 47, Air Tight , Manley, Lamm and Tron seem to be favored by many and really peak my interest. I like having two inputs on the phono stage for the tonearms so that the next arm can be played with a minimum amount of cable changes.
How much is your upper limit for a phono stage? My suggestion would be Aesthetix Io Sig, but it's expensive.
I will have a ATE-2 air tight with lots of cap/resistor upgrades in the signal and power supply for sale soon. Very fair price. if interested.