Tom Evens Groove Plus

i pulled the plug on a groove plus to replace my ear 834p and wanted to hear from other goners on there good or bad experiences with the groove plus, will be using a zyx airy three x sb, on a vpi aires three 10.5i, with a hovland music groove two phono interconnect, thanks mike
hi gmc
had to ring tom evans up to try to answer your'e last question as i have not ABd the pulse/pulse2 myself
what he said was the 2 is far superior in the frequency
extremes with far greater top to bottom wallop
the difference he claims is not subtle
one thing i have noticed in my own system is that the backing singers have the same sense of power and in room presence as the main vocalist
i asked tom if he wouldn't mind popping in and having a chat with us all
fingers crossed eh
best regards
Uktel, thank you for bringing Tom for a visit.

Tom, that is exciting news on the pulse.

It is hard to imagine you could lower the noise floor even more, but you have done it in the past, and you keep doing it. There are times when the music plays over a background that is not only black, it is in an cool atmosphere of calm.
Is the groove plus in the top tier of phono pre's? I'm looking to get one of theses: xono, steelhead, jlti, K&K, bat vk10p se or asr exclusive. I want to get the last phono or one that I can live with for a long time.
hey uktel, thanks for getting tom to chime in on this thread, i have a question on the groove plus for you guys, i have close to forty hours now and i have noticed changes in all areas of music, at times it sounds like its all there, at other times i loose the air, and last night the lower end was not as strong, is this what your breakin experiences were like, mike
hi pedrillo
it really depends upon the rest of your system
siting of the groove+ is also critical
avoid metal supports and try to keep it far away from large
i truly believe the groove+ is a top flight performer
but system synergy [and correct loading] will be the final
best regards