Hall of Shame

What is the worst, most overpriced, hyped, bad-sounding audiophile gear out there. Your bets please.
Will, well said. Doug, are you saying there's no room here for audiophiles who agree with what Ezmeralda said? Taking a line from one of Maxgain's posts above, there are some "very bright and serious people out there who are innovators in this industry and dealers who care about their clientle" AND agree with almost everything Ezmeralda said. Designers/manufactureres of inefficient speakers who think tubes have no advantage over solid state amplifiers. Designers of amps and speakers who agree about the high-end wire point and isolation devices and tweaks, etc. Apparently some designers of Class A solid state amplifiers who agree about that point.

I have no opinion on most of those things, I just like what I have and lots of other stuff I don't have. But I do think that an argument can be made in support of everything Ezmeralda said, and that post did not warrant what has come after.

I don't see how anyone could think anything in this thread qualifies as "advice." Everything mentioned as overhyped overpriced or bad sounding has its fans. I wouldnt mention a single thing without fear of offending someone. What's the point?
sure, paul, there's room for folks who may agree w/some of esmeralda's views. but *all* of them? designers of low-efficiency speakers may have no use for lo-power tube amps, but, surely they have use for solid-state amps, both pure class-a, & class a/b? and horn speaker mfr's may not have room for solid/state amps, but surely they have room for lo-power set amps? and, everyone surely has their favorite pet-peeve *snake-oil* tweek, but does that mean it's *all* snake oil? just as surely: everyone also has their weird little tweaks that they *like* too... even john dunlavy, who insists that all wire more expensive than zipcord is snake oil, sells expensive wire. what does *that* mean?

again, i think there's a diference between taking exception to things ya may not like, based upon your experience, & categorically putting ALL class a/b amps, ALL expensive wire, ALL tube electronics, ALL vibration controlling devices, aLL etc, etc, etc into a *hall of shame*

regards, doug s.

Just a thought.
Over whatever you have to do, even if it be very urgent and demands great care, I would not have you argue or be agitated. For rest assured, everything you do, be it great or small, is but one-eighth of the problem, whereas to keep one's state undisturbed even if thereby one should fail to accomplish the task, is the other seven-eighths. So if you are busy at some task and wish to do it perfectly, try to accomplish it- which as I said would be one-eighth of the problem, and at the same time to preserve your state unharmed-which constitutes seven-eighths. If however, in order to accomplish your task you would inevitably be carried away and harm yourself or another by arguing with him, you should not lose seven for the sake of preserving one-eighth.-Early Fathers from the Philokalia
If everyone followed your advice, Makersmark, (and I do not find fault with it in any way, respecting even your point of view w/re cd players), this website would wither away and die.