Help,Allaerts or Transfiguration

Can anyone tell me of their experience with either the Allaerts MC2 or Transfiguration Temper V Cartridges
Thank you in advance for your help.
Larryi and Sirspeedy.I'm really enjoying your conversation,although it does make me feel like a voyeur.
So i thought I would jump in.
As you are aware top line tubes have become obscenely expensive.About two years back I was with a friend visiting his father whom happened to be an antique radio collector.Tubes Galore.I had to leave the premises for fear of becoming a Cat Burglar.
On one occasion I also spent most of the night adding and subtracting damping fluid to my 2.5T.The following morning my wife told me my obsession is driving her crazy so to make thing right i sold the tonearm.Guys keep it going,really good stuff
Hey SirSpeedy
I think many of us cannot wait for you to get your Phantom
I personally can't wait to share experiences with you on this matter!
I recall your input regarding fluid levels a while back regarding the 2.2 and managed to coax better results from that arm than I was previously getting.
I have owned the Phantom now for about a year and a half and feel it is a very special tonearm.
Lucky for me my wife hasn't noticed that my JA carts seem to sound ever better but still appear to look the same!
Thanks Jan for that one!
I will be very interested on your findings with the new Graham arm.
Good luck all and wishing you all a happy new year.
Terry Dale
Folks,I will probably not get my Phantom soon,as they are on back order.I had hoped this would not be long,but cannot do anything but wait it out.Sorry.
Also,I cannot see myself giving any meaningful input,about the arm,or my Orpheus,as these products have been covered aplenty.I just don't want to go off,on some ego trip about the "fabulosity" of what I own.I assume I will be totally happy.Though I have been told there will be a new,lower viscosity fluid,and will start out with very little,and work up from there.Owners of the arm or cartridge already know this stuff,I am sure.
If some thread appears referring to these products I will probably add something,but there are posters who truly have way more technical input than me.
Goldeneraguy,funny you mention your friend's father,who collects antique radios.In my audio/music room I have a beautiful(very well made)RCA reproduction of their 1932 model Cathedral Table Radio(of course I did some modification to the inner cabinet,for rigidity)!It is an absolutely beautiful piece,that sounds absolutely fabulous,for a table radio,as long as it's not played too loud."Nothing like a wooden cabinet"! I use this as my,"sort of" tuner,for listening to late night am/fm stuff.Love it,alot.
I have scoped out many antique radio sites,in the past.If I had the cash,and time,I think I would love to display some of the "magnificent" early era cathredral table top radios.GORGEOUS stuff!!I took my daughter to a party,some time ago.At a restaurant which had a huge collection of these early era radios on display.Really interesting,and beautiful.Very collectible!
PS-I spoke to my dealer this morning.He tells me that I will have my Phantom in three two five weeks.If I want it in GOLD,I could have it much sooner,but I like the silver,so will wait it out.
Blame Albert Porter,for his "anti gold" taste,which has impacted me....Just kidding(well, not).I like the silver look,due to it's more massive build.The gold(just to my taste,as my friend has gold)is a bit too much,due to the more massive look compared to my old 2.2.
I'm really getting worried,as my digital is starting to sound too good!!-:) 2.5T was gold (Albert forgive me.).I think it was about $100 extra but I didnt want to wait any longer.Anyway its been long gone.
At my friends fathers home he showed me what he said was the first of its breed portable radio(circa 1948.)I'm not sure of the brand,as my head was spinning from my evil thoughts about all those tubes, but I think he said it was a Bendix.It weighed about 30 lbs.Imagine a 30 lb.portable radio.
Just reading the word digital hurts my ears.Hopefully the time will pass quickly and the Phantom will arrive save and sound.We await your thoughts.