Help,Allaerts or Transfiguration

Can anyone tell me of their experience with either the Allaerts MC2 or Transfiguration Temper V Cartridges
Thank you in advance for your help.
Hi Goldeneraguy,

What did you end up with after selling the Graham arm? I wonder if the fact that it is easy to fiddle with adjustments on a Graham actually encourages obsessive behavior and so a difficult to deal with arm would be the answer (Shroeder?).

I have a Vector arm so I almost NEVER fiddle with it. It is almost impossible to move the counterweight in small, predictable increments, mine has no VTA calibration device, the arm is tricky to remove to change the level of the dampening fluid, etc.
Hi Larryi,You are correct.The Graham's as good as they are, can drive one to be obsessive.Because it is so easy to re-adjust you can spend your time tweeking instead of listening for pleasure rather than to hear which sounds better.Outstanding arm though,if only i could have let it be.
I went to a Kuzma Reference arm and now enjoy the Basis Vector 3 without the add ons..Do you have the 3 or the 4?

I am not certain of which iteration of the Vector I have, except that I know it is not the latest. I've been told that the reason to upgrade to the latest is for the better tonearm wiring. I would probably also opt for the VTA adjustment micrometer if I ever upgraded the arm.

I have very carefully set up the arm, although once set, I generally don't fiddle around with adjustments. My Titan cartridge is extremely sensitive to VTA setting, so I did do that carefully. I use homemade spacers cut from 1/2 inch PVC pipe, that fit under the fluid well part of the Vector arm. I prefer this type of spacer to things like a deck of cards because the deck of cars approach is not particularly repeatable (the cards compress too readily). I have spacers that go up in height by about .5mm increments. It is easy to hear that little difference in height at the armpost.

What I find interesting is that adjustments of VTA is sort of interactive with changing other aspects of the system that relate to tonal balance. For instance, if I change cartridge loading, I often find that the ideal VTA setting has changed slightly as well. The same is true when I change tubes in the phonostage. Just think of how crazy you can drive yourself by juggling three variables.
It just goes to prove everything makes a difference.Any change that is made effects something else in the chain.
I have a tech that installed the arm and cartridge at my home.He stops by at times just to listen.All i do is sit back and smile.
I haven't heard the Fono but I listened to the Linea preamp and fell in love.If the Fono is even close to the Linea then I wish i were your neighbor.
Have you heard the Linea ? If so,how would you compare it to your Emotive.
Oem i'm sorry for hi-jacking your thread.Experienced analog and tube lovers are a treat to speak with
Its quite alright.I find it all a learning experience and at my age thats something