Help,Allaerts or Transfiguration

Can anyone tell me of their experience with either the Allaerts MC2 or Transfiguration Temper V Cartridges
Thank you in advance for your help.
It just goes to prove everything makes a difference.Any change that is made effects something else in the chain.
I have a tech that installed the arm and cartridge at my home.He stops by at times just to listen.All i do is sit back and smile.
I haven't heard the Fono but I listened to the Linea preamp and fell in love.If the Fono is even close to the Linea then I wish i were your neighbor.
Have you heard the Linea ? If so,how would you compare it to your Emotive.
Oem i'm sorry for hi-jacking your thread.Experienced analog and tube lovers are a treat to speak with
Its quite alright.I find it all a learning experience and at my age thats something
Hi Goldeneraguy,

I have not had the opportunity to hear the Linea. I got the Emotive Audio linestage first, and then went looking for a phonostage. In any event, I would not have the room for the Linea, which has a monster-sized power supply unit (just like the phonostage).

The Viva fono is so dead quiet and I bet the Linea shares that characteristic. The Emotive Audio does have a little bit of sputtering, and unless one selects the 12B4 tubes for no noise, the tube will put out a soft "ping" once in a while. But, this is simply one of the best sounding linestages I have heard in the not-overly-romantic/warm category of tube linestages.