How did you get into vinyl?

I’ll start with my story:
The roots probably go back to the mid to late 90's when I got into the retro cocktail thing. I started throwing old fashioned cocktail parties with Martinis and Hi Balls and Manhattans and spinning those Retro Lounge cocktail mix CDs with Luis Prima and Martin Denny and Si Zetner, etc.

I've always been a classic jazz fan (Coltrane, Davis, Rollins, etc.) and been into the music of the Rat Pack, so this just became an extension of that. I then started collecting CDs of the artists that were featured in the Retro Lounge collections, along with classic jazz, blues and vocalists. It was very rare for me to purchase, or listen to anything recorded since the 1970s, though I do have a pretty good collection of 80s and 90s rock, it’s just I haven’t been adding to it.
A few years ago my live-in girlfriend and I split up and I gave her the furniture and took the opportunity to completely redecorate the place the way I wanted to- mid century modern or, as I called it, space age bachelor pad. I bought a bubble chair, Naguchi tables, ball clocks, Eames era stuff, etc., etc.- I even got an old pinball machine and bar. I was truly living in the 50’s-60’s.

Last June, I was poking around a flea market in Hell’s Kitchen looking for retro stuff, and I saw a Voice of Music HiFi console from 1957 for $45. I bought it, not sure if it was working, but knew it would look cool in my place. When I got it home it worked perfectly. I had picked up some 50’s/60’s lounge type albums from a tag sale for a buck apiece, just for decorations, and when I got the record player home, I found that it worked and the records sounded very cool. Now the VOM was definitely not audiophile, but it was all tube and these records sounded very appropriately retro on it. That was it- I was hooked on vinyl!

I started collecting vinyl in thrift shops and on Ebay. I noticed the VOM lacked bass, mainly due to the small single speaker that it had. I then saw a bigger VOM console on Ebay that had a 12”, two 8” and two 4” speakers. I got it for $250, and it sounded much better. I have an audiophile digital system that includes an Audio Aero Prima SE CD and top of the line Paradigm speakers, so I knew the limitations of the VOM unit, but I found it was all I was listening to because of the things that many of us love vinyl for- the covers, the ritual of playing the albums, the warmth and musicality of vinyl and tubes. I then got to thinking how great it would be if I built a truly audiophile vinyl system with a good quality TT and tube phono stage and amp. I also want to dig into the VOM and upgrade some components, like the caps, and check the resisters (I already done tube rolling with Mullards and Telefunkens).

Fast forward to a few weeks ago when I got a VPI Aries 3, a BAT PK-5P phono stage, a Hagerman SUT, and a NOS Dynavector Karat 23R MC cart. I also got a VPI 16.5 RCM. In the meantime, I have accumulated several hundred LPs and remembered that I had a few hundred more albums that I had stashed away over 25 years ago! I plan to get a second tonearm wand for the 10.5i so I can put a mono cartridge on it.

I have now fully entered the insane world of vinyl, and could not be happier! Obviously, my taste in music (and all things retro) is perfect for vinyl. Besides the “Lounge” (sounds better than Easy Listening) LPs, I have purchased some essential 180-200 gram reissues- Kind of Blue, Time Out, Steely Dan’s Aja, etc., and have just subscribed to the Music Matters Blue Note 45 reissues. What I love about vinyl (in no particular order):
The ritual that goes with the playing (cleaning, turntable setup, constant tweaking)
-The covers
-The nostalgia factor
-The fact that I can play albums that I owned when I was in high school
-Shopping for LPs at used record stores, thrift shops, tag sales, and Ebay
-And most important- the sound!

Long live vinyl!
That's an easy question. It was 1963, my 6th birthday and I got a little box style record player with 4 inch speaker, on/off volume knob, along with a 45 copy of Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini. Been playing and listening to vinyl ever since.
My aunt, who lived with us, had one of those early stereo record changers where one speaker resided with the platter/tonearm assembly and the other speaker detached from the suitcase-like unit and could be set at a distance. This was the mid-50's to 1962 and I spent my early childhood riding a much loved spring suspended rocking horse while listening to Elvis, Ricky Nelson, The Traits, Freddy Cannon, Connie Francis, etc, etc etc. To this day, I find it downright difficult to sit down and listen to music unless it's in a rocking chair. My Aunt eventually married and moved away leaving me a small RCA monaural record player and a stack of 45s that she eventually retrieved but not before I'd managed to acquire a copy of "I Want To Hold Your Hand" for my own. It just sort of evolved from there. Like a lot of folks, I jumped on the CD bandwagon when that medium hit the stores back in the mid '80s and, 100 odd CDs and 20 years later, decided I resented being hard sold into a format that I never honestly thought was that much an improvement, if any, over my record collection. Never had any great surplus of funds to buy ultra high end equipment but recently purchased a Music Hall MMF-5 to replace my worn out 1979 or '80 Pioneer PL-600 quartz locked DD rig with and I couldn't be happier. I rarely play my compact discs these days.
With a few notable exceptions, we all seem to be boomers. Nothing wrong with that, but if I were marketing vinyl that would be important to know. It's good to see a few younger people join the thread, but I'm surprised that there aren't more.

Even in the unlikely scenario vinyl were to make any sort of a comeback, there would be the unfortunate digital pollution somewhere in the recording or mixdown chain. The possibility of being able to purchase purely analog LP's on any mass market scale is remote, other than the specialty labels currently doing this. We are dinosaurs, albeit smug and happy ones.
Aah, we're not all boomers. I'm GenX apparently and we also grew up with vinyl. CDs came in when I was in my 20s so I already had a TT and a lot of records.

What we need is to get the young folk into vinyl. And, it's not impossible. I bought my 13yo daughter vinyl for Christmas. Now she wants the Panic at the Disco album on vinyl too. She can't be bothered with CD as it is so easy to just download music, a record is sufficiently different to a download to justify purchasing a hard copy. Also records are cooler than CDs. You know, I don't think people have ever become as attached to their CDs as people become attached to their records. There's something about vinyl which gets you in, and CDs just don't have it.