Tonearm recomendations

I am doing a diy plinth project with a Rek o kut B12. I would like to know about tonearm length and where too short or too long comes into play. I would also like to know about wood arms.
Any experience would be greatly appreciative. I need to stay under 400.00 us new or used.

Pretty snobby over here in vinyl land.... guess I'll just crawl back to my cave and light the tubes.
Not snobby, but you are probably in a minority when it comes to this type of DIY project here. Maybe the best thing to do is study turntable/arm design and do the math etc so that your project has some rationale behind it. There are so many variables that go into a successful arm design that it becomes a daunting task for any of us to take you by the arm and lead you though the tangle of calculations and considerations.

What is your expectation here? Were you simply trying to find a kindred spirit who has also been through this process?
Not doing a diy tonearm at this point, just want some input on tone arms in general to help me select one to use with this adventure. I guess i could post this in the giant home depot thread.

Thanks and keep on keepin vinyl alive!
Sorry. I'm not being snobby. I just don't understand exactly what you're asking.