Great Cartridge for Graham Phantom

I can hardly wait!!!
I've got a Graham Phantom being instaled in a new TW Acustic Raven One.
I know many of you have Graham Phantoms on superb tables.
What are the awe inspiring matches for the Phantom???
I listen to Classic Rock, Classical, LOTS of vocals, organ, other words, a bit of everything. My priorities are musicality, recreation of the recording venue, soundstaging, musical emotion, beautiful harmonies, and NOT microscopic detail. The rest of my system has resolution in spades........Wilson Sophias, Audio research Mono Blocs etc.
So what is the final piece in this system? Give me your best choices.


I am running my Phantom on an SME 20/2 and using an old Audioquest AQ7000nsx that was upgraded to a Fe5 when the original nsx cantiliver broke. I haven't felt the need to try something else because the sonics of this Scan-Tech built cartridge are amazing, and also because I hate messing with cartridges and the like. I have thought about going with one of the Allerts cartridges, though. Any Scan-Tech cartridge would probably be a good bet including the Lyra line.
Thanks for all of your advice.
Does anyone have experience with Koetsu
on the Graham?

Hi Jim
I have a Koetsu 80th Anniversary Onyx and it does work very well on the Phantom.
My personal preference is for the Jan Allaerts Finish Gold that I also own.
It would probably help if you told us the rest of the system and some of your musical priorities.
Terry Dale
I have Koetsu Urushi (original wood version, but rebuilt by Sugano Jr). You hear Koetsu's magic mid range and excel in strings.But I don't think Urushi is perfect, rather even in all spectrum, at least not in punch, impact and dynamics. I use it in the latest VPI TNT turntable, in certain way this TT compensate some dynamics. Vocal and strings are all about Koetsu.