Great Cartridge for Graham Phantom

I can hardly wait!!!
I've got a Graham Phantom being instaled in a new TW Acustic Raven One.
I know many of you have Graham Phantoms on superb tables.
What are the awe inspiring matches for the Phantom???
I listen to Classic Rock, Classical, LOTS of vocals, organ, other words, a bit of everything. My priorities are musicality, recreation of the recording venue, soundstaging, musical emotion, beautiful harmonies, and NOT microscopic detail. The rest of my system has resolution in spades........Wilson Sophias, Audio research Mono Blocs etc.
So what is the final piece in this system? Give me your best choices.


Jdolgin I would be very interested in your views on the Raven one and Phantom. My unit is on order, initially with the stock Jelco arm. A Phantom is what I am aiming for, so your views would be useful. The UK importer of TW Acustic, also imports ZYX and likes the combination with the Phantom. I use the ZYX Airy 3 and can't recommend the Zyx line enough

It hasn't arrived yet!
I'll let yoou know my thoughts as soon as it's in my system.

A poster named Emailist has a Raven 1 with a Phantom Arm with a Sumiko Celbration. I think he loves it.
Good news!The very latest Phantoms will have a new,slightly heavier counterweight,just for you guys wanting to eek out the absolute best from the heavier cartridges.A good thing,for Koetsu lovers!
There will also be a new lower viscosity damping fluid,and more incremental markings on the VTF dial.So I have been told.
Hopefully I will have mine,"in two weeks",so says my dealer.
I sure hope this holds up,as I am aware of the reason for Phantom delays,which is a darn good one.
Sirspeedy, let us know what you think of your Phantom when you get it with those little "upgrades". Will likely replace my SME V with a Phantom soon after i get my new Cosmos that should arrrive within days now. I have not put an order for a Phantom just yet. Cartridge i use is Dynavector XV1's on SME V with GREAT results.
Long live Analog..............