Great Cartridge for Graham Phantom

I can hardly wait!!!
I've got a Graham Phantom being instaled in a new TW Acustic Raven One.
I know many of you have Graham Phantoms on superb tables.
What are the awe inspiring matches for the Phantom???
I listen to Classic Rock, Classical, LOTS of vocals, organ, other words, a bit of everything. My priorities are musicality, recreation of the recording venue, soundstaging, musical emotion, beautiful harmonies, and NOT microscopic detail. The rest of my system has resolution in spades........Wilson Sophias, Audio research Mono Blocs etc.
So what is the final piece in this system? Give me your best choices.


What is the recommended weight for the cartridge being used for this tonearm.
Anyone tried the Grado The Statement on this arm? I listen to RocknRoll(all genres) 1957-1972 Jazz mostly and some classical. I've owned Grado before and like the way it sounded on rock. Opinions?
Hi..I am about to purchase my new Graham Phantom B44 and would like to know if my current tonearm cable will be suitable. I have a Hovland phono cable with curve din and rca output. If you know this would be workable with my new Graham, please drop me a note. Thanks a million for taking me to the right track of vinyl worlds. Regards.