Tube Rolling In Audio Research Phono Preamp

I have an Audio Research PH3SE phono preamp that currently has three Sovtek 6922's. Audio Research told me not to bother doing any tube rolling because it will change the "voice" and tone of the preamp. However, I keep reading wonderful things about vintage tubes improving the quality of sound in all kinds of gear. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with different tubes in their phono preamp and which ones they liked the most. Thanks!
Rodman99999 is absolutely right! Make sure you have some spare tubes so you can wait till the price goes down on the new and IMPROVED ones, and have GOLD put away for when the dollar no longer buys anything good. POLK432
Polk432- Funny you should mention that: I bought my gold in 1999, when it was $275.00 an ounce. Gold (like platinum, oil, real estate, and NOS vacuum tubes) is a limited commodity. What is in the ground is going to run out eventually, and God isn't making any more(Siemens, Telefunken, Valvo, Amperex, Mullard, etc. aren't in business now, and won't be ever again)!! That's why the price of all of those things keeps going up. What's being manufactured today, as far as tubes, is done so as quickly and cheaply as possible and will never perform sonically as well as the quality tubes of yesterday. The exception to that statement would be KR Enterprises, Western Electric and EAT. Have you checked their tube prices lately? ( (
5 9's gave you away Rodman. I won't tell anyone where you're hiding your gold.
I've been trying to remember where I hid it myself. If I could: I'd pay off my mortgage!!
Well, I purchased some NOS 6h-23 Russian "Rocket Logo" Platinum Grade bought from Upscale Audio, 3 tubes for $100 delivered. They sound great! Crisper highs, more defined midrange, a fuller three dimensional sound, and yet great slam factor in the bass.

So, thanks to all that replied. You all really helped out. Still wondering what some Amperex pinched waists would sound like though...