Optimal loading for the Orpheus

I am in the process of acquiring a Transfiguration Orpheus cartridge. Despite a lot of very informative information on the 'Gon, I have yet to see insight regarding the optimal loading folks have found for the the Orpheus. Your thoughts and experiences, please.
Dear OEM: MC: Allaerts MC2 Finish ( but you need a very good Phonolinepreamp with enough active high gain ( no step-up transformer ), Dyna XV-1, Ortofon MC 7500, Van denHul Colibri ( the very low output models ) and MM: Nagaoka MP-50, B&O MMC1/2, Audio technica ATML 170/180, Grado The Amber Tribute, Astatic MF-100.

Regards and enjoy the music.
I'm glad I caught this thread
Rauliruegas,I would appreciate your opinion on which of the cartridges you mention would work well with a Basis Vector3
tonearm and 72db phonostage.
Rauliruegas (and Goldeneraguy): A brief history of cartridges in my system...I changed from a Benzmicro Ruby 3 (low output) to the Temper V a couple of years ago. This was a great improvement, particularly in realism/ natural tonality and presentation. Detail was also vastly improved. For the past 2 months, I have had a ZYX UNI in my system, which absolutely SMOKES the Temper V (enough said). Thus, I could not envision a scenario where I would return to the Temper V.

Given i) my original liking for the Temper V, ii) the generally positive reviews and thread dicussion regarding the Orpheus and an expectation/ recomendation (A.J Conti and folks at Oveture Audio) for a good system match of Transfig (I have had all of these to some extent on a Basis 2500 TT with a Vector 4 tonearm), I thought I would move on to the Orpheus (via a trade-in of the V). If YHO is correct (Orpheus underperforms relative to the Temper V), I will settle back and continue to enjoy the stellar ZYX. However, I anticipate (hope) the Orpheus will compete favorably with the ZYX.

Dear Goldeneraguy: I think that Hickory who owns a Vector tonearm already give you a good advice about.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Hickory,you know I loved the "V",but BOY are you in store for a treat.The "O" is "that" much better.Actually it is a GREAT cartridge!
I simply cannot get enmough of it....good luck.