What Vinyl quality should I be using?

Is there a recommended type of vinyl one should be playing on high end systems? I heard from someone just standard vinyl won't do good systems justice and could even be bad for them. Is this true?
So you are willing to only play certain vinyl.....what a sad little life that would be! I hope who ever told you this isnt your boss because it would be difficult to work for an idiot :)
The problem is that many of the best musical performances don't give you a choice as to format and quality. I know I'm not giving up the music I love just because some fancy "audiophile" version isn't available.

Further, ordinary music will not damage a high end system as long as the pressing is in presentable condition. Any system that is so delicate that it cannot play an ordinary recording isn't worth having.
thanks for the responses! I think what the person meant was that if it's an old not well taken care of vinyl it might damage the cartridge. Who knows I don't know much about it as I'm just getting in to this.

Again thanks for the responses!

One last question, can anybody show me a good cheap beginner analog set up or a good reference? With so many amps, speakers, tts, etc, it looks a little daunting to a beginner.

As far as a tt, i'd like to get a clear audio... but they seem very expensive. What's the average price I could pay for an entire set up?

Thanks a lot,
shoot can't edit my thread... I was going to add that if anything I could just get a nice headphone amp and a turntable. I already have some pretty good sounding headphones. Beyerdynamic dt770's

Anyway if anyone can help out that would be great!!

I also am fairly new to this audiophile thing-although it has pretty much consumed my life for the past year or so. I recently got back into vinyl after not playing since my teenage years (70's). There are many threads with loads on info on entry level tt (turntables). I recently purchased a modded Technics 1210 M5G from Kevin at KABUSA that has all the bells and whistles with the performance of a hi end table at a reasonable price, around $1k for mine table and cart. I am very happy with the performance so far. There are volumes of threads on these tt along with those by Rega, MM, Perfection and many other fine tables that will grab you by the ear and drag you into this fine hobby. Good luck and welcome.