Tweaks such as demagnetizers ionizers for lp's

What are the options as in brands that demagnetize 12" lp's. The ones I have found seem to be expensive $2k and up.
What other tweaks are available ionizers included?
dan_ed and dougdeacon, can you describe how hand held powered demagnetiser is used in practice. I live outside usa (london, uk) and hope to import it or find local alternative. Does it have a trade name or other id since the website does not list this? Regards, Marc
The idea is to start with the device (powered up) very close to the object. Circle it s-l-o-w-l-y around the object while s-l-o-w-l-y increasing the distance. As the field slowly changes position and weakens, molecules in the object orient themselves randomly, just what we want.

The worst thing to do would be to start with the device close to the object and move it away fast in a straight line or power it off close to the object. That will leave the molecules in the object oriented in the same direction, just what we don't want.
I just picked up the device Dan recomended and it works wonders.

I was also wondering about the best way to use it. I will try it the way Doug recomends tonight and see if it works even better.

Thanks for the killer tweek.

Perhaps not hearing the molecules orienting in the same direction is a blessing, after all. One more thing to check off my audiophile neurosis. Godspeed to the rest of you.
Sarcher30, glad you're enjoying this poor man's Furutech demag!

IME and Dan's it's more effective and longer lasting than a $200 Walker Talisman. Whether it matches the $1800 Furutech is untested, but as they use the same technology...

The usage I described is how machinists demag tools, drill bits, pieces of work, etc. FWIW, it's what my partner (an industrial scientist with a PhD in metallurgy) and his father (a master machinist) both recommended.

Gotta go realign some coffee molecules!