Acoustic Signature Turntables

Has anyone else experienced any problems with their Acoustic Signature turntable? In particular, I have had major issues regarding the Alpha power supply and related customer support and so just thought I'd look into these problems more widely.

Thanks for your input
2002ss335, Blueranger, Heradot,

Thanks for your kind feedback. I should say that my problems relate to the UK (particularly the importer and retailer with whom I have dealings. However, your accounts give me some faith.

Please could you forward the contact details of the people that helped you in Germany or elsewhere as I am still seeking any assistance with my Alpha power supply?

Support must be included in the decision for purchase. The best component in the world is useless if it is not backed up by the manufacturer. These things can't be repaired by the local tv repair shop...if you can even find one of those..

Too true. Sadly, the Mambo might just be the best turn table in the world (I have tried many!) but if it's not playing, it's just a lump of extravagent metal.

I'm now in hope of having this resolved and will keep all informed.

Cheers and more experiences welcomed


I think at this point you would be better of contacting Acoustic Signature directly ( They have an email listed in their website. When I was looking into what tonearms would be a great match for the Mambo, I sent my question to that email address and I got a response from Gunther himself!

I've never had any problems with it, but if I do I feel confident that either my dealer in the US or AS in Germany should be able to take care of it.

Many thanks but I had dealt with Gunther at some length following the first failure of the Alpha power supply. Sadly, his personal problems at the time meant that this discourse was particularly unhelpful. I have now had the actual UK retailer (as opposed to the not-so-helpful UK importer/distributer)sort this out by using a technician from England. My lack of faith in the AS customer service (at least for buyers in the UK market) remains very low. Thankfully, I have however (or, 'consequently') now bought a Technics SP10 MK2 and will transfer to this if/when the Acoustic Signature goes down again.

Despite all this sorry tale, I must stress that when the Mambo is set up correctly (in my case that means using a home made birch wall shelf - see, a Symposium Ultra platform, Boston Audio Mat 1 and an Aluminium record clamp/stabilizer) the quality and realism of its performances is sublime.

I hope this helps others and remain open to dialogue on the related topics