Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
Has the issue of mold and bacteria growing in the steamer and accessories been addressed by anyone here?

If so, how?

This possibility was recently brought to my attention, and it seems valid.
My Perfection steamer box does not say anything about containing lead. Maybe it only has to say it in certain states? Anyway I'll continue to use it. At my age something else will probably get me first.
08-25-08: Deaf_j
My Perfection steamer box does not say anything about containing lead. Maybe it only has to say it in certain states?
Look on the bottom of the box. That's where the warning label was on mine, which was purchased in California.

Perhaps your state does not have a law requiring the disclosure.
If I'm not mistaken, the lead disclosure is federal. Doesn't matter what state....
I don't have a steamer, yet. I would think the question about mold, etc is valid. I would also think you could address this by running a diluted bleach solution thru the unit. Of course, you would want to thoroughly rinse before the next use.