Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
Wondering if anyone's taken a look at the McCullouch MC1235 handheld steamer. Here's a link for reference. Continuous fill seems like a nice feature.

I've already returned one DOA Shark back to Target.
R3w200 : It appears you have found not just a replacement but a upgrade to most other steam cleaners. I believe the variable steam control could bring LP steam cleaning to a new level , the continious refil of water is another bonus. R3w200, you may be on to something. Now for some R&D, namely buying a unit and putting it thru the drill.
I referenced the McCulloch in my post on 1-15-09 as a possible contender. FWIW, Home Depot has them for less. I am also interested in how this unit performs.

Do your duty, R3w2000, go get one of those suckers and tell us about it!
I picked up the "Living Solutions" steamer at WalGreens today. FWIW, the manager said it IS the Perfection with new packaging. Seems to work great, plenty of steam. I cleaned about 7 LP's before sitting to listen with no problems. Steam works great w/VPI 16.5. Thanks all for your post on this subject. Listening to a leaner ,cleaner "The Wall" right now!
Different packaging? Does it still have the lead warning on the underside of the box (really dumb place to put it...or smart depending on whose perspective you're considering).