Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
Chashas1: You appear a brite , brittle person who can't keep their hands from touching the flames. Your comments have nothing to do with steaming . That is troubling . Envey in my religious tradition is an evil that we as believers must refrain from. You show a strain of thinking that doesn't truly appreciate your intelligence, a sign of youth w/o restraint. I respect your acute perception(s) & for that reason only I will answer your final question.

I enjoy re-designing Maplenoll Turntables & Tonearms. I design the air delivery systems & use my of my own air scrubers design but, alternatively, Schroder arms & AC Raven Turntables are available to me that I enjoy & experiment with often with other fanatics. I own several other tables but that is of no importance. I have learned how to tune analog set-ups as well as anyone. That's the difference. I depend on no particular dealer or manufacturer , unless they offer. And you, Noble Black Knight from where do your ideas dwell ?? How can you imagine melting LPS on a thread that has grarnered more views than almost every thread posted? Where does that logic come from?? Personally , enjoyed the OZ, brick , turrent & bats better.
Hi Mike, I know steam from a kettle or iron will burn you, and definitely make a record bend--have you ever seen those bowls-whatever they make from vinyl? A friend gave me one as a Xmas present, I wasn't that impressed. So, I'm not sure what you are using to steam with, but steam in general is fairly hot, and I wouldn't chance it on my vinyl. Maybe your steam is more like a soft mist? like a vaporizor?

Hell no to the second question, you should see some of the whacky things I have done for the quest of better sound.
I've treated boards with larch varnish for better sounding walls, I've bolted birch boards on my wood floors to give a more secure footing for my speakers, I've spent zillions of hours auditioning equipment and cables. I've tried all sorts of room treatments. I think I've done more than a little for my positive returns. lol

I'm a little younger than you.

So, do you steam or clean? Ah, I see you have a vpi cleaner. If still using, what cleaning fluids? and what have you tried?

Keep on that positive train....
I agree that one should try steaming before making a blanket rejection. Steamers sold at Walgreens are inexpensive. Less than lunch for two at Denny's.
Mike, not to derail the thread (sorry I'm not talking steam, Crem) but how are you getting on with the Shakti hallographs?
Now lunch at Denny's I will reject to, blanket or otherwise. If you keep eating there you'll not be around to steam or clean....