Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
Readers: In my part of the US, "Aqunafina" is on sale. 24 bottles equaly'ing near 3.16 Gal of pure water is being sold for $3.99 in discount houses & $4.99 in SuperMarkets. "AQ" is reportly near 99% as pure a Nerl water that reportly costs about $80-$100 per 5 Gal inc. shipping as opposed to the price of "AQ" in your area. Just a mention.
"AQ" is reportly near 99% as pure a Nerl water...
Crem1 (Threads | Answers)
...but what about the +1% of impurities?

Might they adversely affect the records we are so intent on preserving?
"Might they adversely affect the records we are so intent on preserving?"

Absolutely, as might impurities in the air. That's why I'm building a vacuum chamber for my listening room.

Yes, I'm joking. :)
"If it's good enough for the Fremer, it's good enough for me." didn't they sing that in Sgt. York?