Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
You are not looking in the right places. The 3/2003 Recommended issue contains a thumb photo of a steamer in the border . I recommended that steamer to Mr. Fremer who months earlier published an article recommending the process to readers for dirty LPS. That article was a result of his interest in my comments in "Listener". We discussed the merits of steam via email for months prior to publishing. The thumb was discrete but nonetheless support to the cleaning method recommended earlier to readers. Later, in 2006 he included my views in his 2 part article on record cleaning. All the articles are copyrighted & can not be posted without permission that Stereophile grants that for a fee I feel no need to pay. What do you care ? You don't give a tinkers damn(ol'english) about steam cleaning. Do you.
" I have been published in the Audio print world several times & I even got a "thumbs-Up" in the "2003 Recommendations issue of Stereophile"

Crem- Would you provide links to these various publications. I looked through Stereophiles 2003 Recommendations Issue and could find no mention of steam cleaning.

What a ride these last few years must have been for you, congratulations!
You know what I learned today? I have friends , true friends who can not wait to read my crem's. You warm the cock'els of mein heart. Really you do. Chashas none , err Has 1 , you be such a crem'er & that goes for Zen .. Master B ... No , No Zenblaster, yes zenbleater, yes, yes my friend(s). Only today I got a call from over-yonder. Its been proposed we have a "Zen & 1" party early next year following the CES, extracting all the friendly zappers you write to be read aloud by my other friends in the industry. You guys have a following ... My how goood you make me feel. But I confess to one little problem , naughty, naughty me. I do make mistake in giving you the details ... err business ... Please, Please read "Listener", Hi-Fi & Music Review Jan/Feb 2002, P 10 , "And It Makes A Fine Gift" : My response to the LP-Cleaning Essays & my "challenge" to the Audio writers . Thereafter, Michael Fremers 2003 article on the Handheld Hotshot 350A , a picture of which was printed as a"thumb" in "Stereophiles" 4/3/03 or (04) ," Recommended Components 2003" about 3 to 6 pages in to the components section, on R.H.S. Now chashasn'tany ,please read the issue & tell your readers what is printed under the thumb ... Or perhaps Zen has the issue & can do the job. Remember, don't be lazy find the exact issue read it & report back. But ,FRIENDS, who could forget??? "Stereophile" Jan/2006 , "All quiet on the Vinyl Front, Part 2,P37 !!... Sorry, I get sooo excited knowing your eyes are glued to the screen ... Ha Ha , just a good natured Got YA ? ,no,no but I got you. Hee, Hee. Now don't it make you feel good you have so many Euro-Readers in stiches ??? Cheers!
I might have missed the post where Crem1 compared NERL water vs. Aquafina water vs. distilled water when used in the steaming method.

What specifically are the sonic differences among the three waters when used in steam cleaning, Crem1?